Cathedral Cove is only accessible only on foot, boat or kayak, Cathedral Cove is a “must visit” site.
There are several scenic tracks including the 2hr return walk to Cathedral Cove, which gives access to Gemstone Bay, Mares Leg and Cathedral Cove.
Cathedral Cove is located at Hahei, just 10minutes drive from Hot Water Beach. Foot access to the Cathedral Cove car park is at the western end of Hahei Beach and vehicle access is up Grange Road (turn left past shops and go all the way to end of Grange Road). It is here that you can also access Gemstone Bay and Mares Leg.
Cathedral Cove Marine Reserve, Te Whanganui- A-Hei, is off this coastline and covers 9 square kilometres. The best way to experience the marine reserve is by kayak, boat or by diving in the waters. There are a number of kayak and boat operations in Hahei.
Hahei has got some good little shops and a great brewery called the Pour House.
Visit this website for lots of info: